Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Went to a concert tonight. Jael, Substance and Gatecrash the Sun. *No, I didn't know who they were - except Jael. But I went anyway, since some of my friends were going and it was to support a missions trip to Fiji*

Wore earplugs for the first time :-s Told I was 'old'. But it's okay, I'm using the excuse that I'm a music student and I don't want to munt up my ears, cos I need to preserve them to do all those assignments!

Yes, I did go and mosh at the front for awhile :-) Along with my sister, who is the loudest, craziest mosher ever. I think to be a successful mosher (in a big crowd, anyway), you have to be kind of aggressive, or else you'll just get squashed. I'm not a particularly aggressive person (usually), so I just get squashed.

Might go and see the Wallace and Gromit movie tomorrow. I thought at first it might be too scary *yeah, I know - W&G scary?! But my mind's a little crazy* - but I laughed all the way through the ads at 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory' - so why not :-)


  • At October 10, 2005 5:14 pm, Blogger Trevor said…

    So what did you think of Gatecrash the Sun? They played at the 96.5 open day earlier in the year (well the singer and 1 guitar) and I thought the singer had a really great, powerful voice. But when I downloaded their recorded music from their website, it didn't sound as good as it had live.


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