The Forgotten Blog
This blog has been largely under-used for a long time now. My discovery of Facebook, and to a lesser extent, MySpace, has been responsible for this. But a blog is more of a journal, a way of documenting ideas - Facebook is more for interacting with friends, and MySpace is for all the Gen Y-ers who think they're "so hot right now". The generations are a little ambiguous, but if Gen Y is people born between 1981 and 2000, then I am Gen Y - except I remember life before iPods, mobile phones, DVDs and the internet. We didn't even have a VCR until I was 6 - before that I played in the sandpit! (And afterwards too ;-) So much for the stereotype of a technology-dependent Gen Y-er. (Although I'm not doing much to help it by blogging and using Facebook so much, am I? ;-) What about you guys - what were some of your memories of life before these things? What did you do instead of internet/mobile/iPod etc?
I'm reading a book Ps Graham has been promoting like crazy, called "Do Hard Things". It's for teenagers, and how they need to rebel against low expectations society hands out to them. I'm not a teenager, but I do teach them, and I am absolutely fascinated by them. It's true that the expectations for teenagers these days are low, but I know some who do incredible things, stuff that I could never have done when I was their age.
In other news, Kids Klub has just finished, and today I am absolutely exhausted - but missing it all the same. I'm sure things will get back to normal in the next few days. It was so good to be able to hang out with Christian friends for a whole week - I've really missed that since I started work. I'm thinking about joining a young adult's Bible study group, and I want to sign up to play piano at the 10.30 service at my church. I don't want to get over-busy though - but I miss fellowship. I think I need to make more time for it. There will always be time to work.
That's all for now I think. If anyone wants to see pics of Kids Klub, it's on Facebook. If you don't have my Facebook and you're absolutely busting to see some, let me know and I'll post some here.
Signing out.
I'm reading a book Ps Graham has been promoting like crazy, called "Do Hard Things". It's for teenagers, and how they need to rebel against low expectations society hands out to them. I'm not a teenager, but I do teach them, and I am absolutely fascinated by them. It's true that the expectations for teenagers these days are low, but I know some who do incredible things, stuff that I could never have done when I was their age.
In other news, Kids Klub has just finished, and today I am absolutely exhausted - but missing it all the same. I'm sure things will get back to normal in the next few days. It was so good to be able to hang out with Christian friends for a whole week - I've really missed that since I started work. I'm thinking about joining a young adult's Bible study group, and I want to sign up to play piano at the 10.30 service at my church. I don't want to get over-busy though - but I miss fellowship. I think I need to make more time for it. There will always be time to work.
That's all for now I think. If anyone wants to see pics of Kids Klub, it's on Facebook. If you don't have my Facebook and you're absolutely busting to see some, let me know and I'll post some here.
Signing out.
At July 15, 2008 9:47 pm,
Anonymous said…
Oh nic! We are "so hot right now"! LOL!
Great blog... I've missed it! I really have... And I'm so glad ur back "on air"!
On the topic of pre-technology, I remember getting our first computer... it was black and white and sooooo coool! LOL
Before that, and mobiles and ipods and everything, there was dressing up and siblings... I played with my sisters and brother and we came up with some really creative games... We all have such fond memories of some of those times we all played together and love to reminise over them... I am saddened to think that this next generation don't take the time or don't develop the iniative to be creative like this and build relationships with family and friends like this... because everything is so instant entertainment. Today, making ur own fun means that u don't have a life! How sad! :( And I'm saddened to think that all some of my students will have to reminise over is ... TV or the Wii or Internet games.... It will be... remember when we watched...? oh wait, we don't need to remember... lets just go find that show on the internet and watch it again... Gone will be the days of story-telling and reminiscing and kids hearing about their parents lives as a kid... How sad!
I think I'm going to leave this comment here atm and not even get started on all the other technology, otherwise i'll take up all the comment space...
let me just say this:
How on earth do we teach this generation?
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