Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hey hey

I haven't forgotten my blog! But I have also discovered a new thing called myspace :-D

Yeah, it's been busy.

So what's news:

I'm going to Woodridge State High for prac. This school has a rep that is a bit scary, but in actual fact I don't think it's that bad. My music prac teacher seems awesome, I haven't met my drama prac teacher yet.

Connexions has happened. I didn't blog about it, but it was great. AGMF has also happened, and I forgot to blog about that too, but it was also great.

Tomorrow I have 2 assignments due. One is finished. The other is almost finished. Hooray!!

Last night I played for Anne Wedlock's 50th birthday party, in our band FJ Blues. Everyone in the band had a blues nickname, except me. But I've got one now: Agent 88. Cos a piano has 88 keys, and that's what I play. It was just going to be '88', like '99', but I thought the Agent part sounded better, cos otherwise it makes me sound like I was born in 88. So now I'm Agent 88. "I'm on a mission from God."
Hehe, maybe not quite...........but we did have fun last night, and Anne used her party as a fundraiser for Care Outreach, so I think I speak for all the band when I say we were more than happy to provide some entertainment.

I'm excited to be in a band!!! :-D I hope we can do another gig.


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