Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


An "outage" is scheduled for 4pm PST on this here blogger thingy.

They seem so apologetic : "Blogger was down for 10 minutes at 6am one morning. We apologise profusely to all those inconvenienced by our stupid, terrible, awful, nasty server, and we promise that we will take steps in the future - lots and lots of steps - to ensure that this appalling, disgusting, horrible tragedy will never occur again." (Think the restaurant sketch in Monty Python - "It is, it's a dirty, horrible, nasty, smelly fork.")

I'm not complaining! Blogger can go out for all I care - probably the only time it gets fresh air and exercise anyway. Perhaps we should start a union for blogger and demand good wages, decent breaks and......something else I haven't thought of yet.

Word verification, on the other hand, will receive none of these benefits as long as I keep getting x's and z's. It hasn't made a proper word yet.

I'm going to have lunch.


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