Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Sunday, March 13, 2005

Hitch - movie review

I saw Hitch last night! What an awesome movie :-) Okay, that's about the extent of the review. I don't want to give anything away - go and see it if you're so interested!

And on top of that, it'll give you plenty to think about - what are your ideas about dating, love, relationships?

Hitch made this statement: "Any man has the chance to sweep any woman off her feet. All he needs is the right broom."


1) Check your intentions. (Most guys I know have good intentions) If you don't, you'd better get some. Are you in this for her or you? Are you only looking out for your happiness, or do you care about her well-being more? The vacuum cleaner approach is not acceptable (i.e. suck them in and throw them out with the rubbish). The broom method (sweep them off their feet) is the aim.

2) Be bold. If you feel like the girl of your dreams doesn't know you exist, then let her know you exist. Try to do this with tact and in good taste. Running across the street screaming and trying to avoid oncoming traffic is probably not the best way to go about it. Having said that, I'm sure it worked for someone along the line.

3) Be yourself. Don't pretend to be someone you're not. What if she doesn't like who you pretend to be? What if she DOES like who you pretend to be and then find out you're not that person?! That'd be worse. Be honest.


1) Same as #1 for the guys. Check your intentions. Why do you so badly want to be swept off your feet? Cos you actually like the guy, or because you just like the attention? If you are simply looking for attention, but you don't particularly like the guy, then I suggest you don't proceed. You'll end up hurting him.

2) Okay, so your intentions are good. Here's the next thing: patience. The man of your dreams may not be as bold as the guy who ran across the traffic. So just wait. He'll get there eventually. Meanwhile, there's plenty of life to be lived. So live it! Sure, you'll feel lonely sometimes. That's why God gave us lifelines....phone a friend!!!!

3) See #3 of the guys advice. (Change the word 'she' for 'he')

Having written all this great advice, I have suddenly remembered that I am single. Heh - one of life's great ironys (is that a word?) - a single girl giving relationship advice. Well why not. It makes for interesting reading, if nothing more ;-)


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