Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

The definition of "blessed"

A feeling and/or perspective.

Something good that has been done or given to you, especially when you
did not deserve it.

Self realisation of the good things in life.

The feeling of joyfulness despite/regardless of circumstances.

Those were definitions that we offered at home group last night when asked to come up with a definition of 'blessed'. I'm sure it's by no means exhaustive - I would probably add to that definition that blessed is a state you are in, whether or not you realise it. But it could include realising good things in life too.

The Beatitudes ("declaration of blessedness") were what we studied.

Blessed are the poor in spirit - those who realise they are spiritually bankrupt, owe a massive spiritual debt and realise they cannot pay - for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

Realising that I have no resources with which to deal with sin apparently makes me blessed - because only then am I one step closer to understanding that Jesus has done it for me, and accepting that fact.

Blessed are those who mourn - over their sin - for they will be comforted.

There's a line between mourning for our sin and feeling utter condemnation. Mourning leads to comfort - the realisation that I have been forgiven. Condemnation doesn't.

Anyway, that's just two that really stood out for me.


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