Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Packing up, shoving off.

That's us.

I didn't sleep much last night. I'm not complaining. I drifted off at around 3:30am, to be awoken by my very unsympathetic dad at 5:30am. I stayed in bed for awhile, and he came back.
"If you do this tomorrow," he said, "we're going without you."

The morning is beautiful, I have to admit it. The sun is gorgeous, the sky is beautiful, the trees are amazing......I'm sure that if my brain was actually on at that time, I would appreciate it even more.

So we attempted to set up a tarp - but confusion ensued. So did a small-scale (read quite heated) argument. How hard can it be to set up a tarp? you may ask. Well, when you have an engineer for a dad who's designed the framework (yes, I did say framework) and a mother and daughter who need more detail than the diagram provided.....you can guess that it's not the most simple of tasks.

Meanwhile, it's going to work really well when it goes up. This year it will stay up. This year there will not be sections of tarp sagging with rain below the level of my younger brother's height.

So we all gave up on the tarp and just folded it. Apologies and solutions followed.

I'm in charge of the camping gear. That means if someone doesn't have an air mattress or a tent, it's my fault. Unfortunately, I'm rather fuzzy-brained today :-s That means I'll be in the middle of one task and suddenly BING! the light goes on and I'll think of six other things that have to be packed. So I leave that task to get those things. Then I go back to it. In this way I always have half a dozen tasks on the go - which, when you have my personality, isn't such a bad thing - it may create a little confusion, but it certainly prevents boredom.

I just have to make sure all that boredom-prevention includes camping gear ending up where it should.

Lisa came over! Yay! :-D That was the highlight of my morning - probably my day. Wait no, that was one of the highlights of the morning/day. The other one was that Santa came one day early to our household. So I now own a fair few more books. And guess what? When Lisa came over, she brought me a present! And guess what it was? A book! :-D I am one very happy camper....literally :-) Thanks, Lisa!

It's very hot now. And I'm quite sleepy.....but I have to stick at it, if only to have a really good night's sleep tonight before our 5am start tomorrow.

Pretty much all that's left to do is physically put everything in the camper trailer/on the camper trailer roof rack. A lot of that is packed, thanks to Mum. (Yes, we did work as well!) But there's still a fair bit to go. So maybe when it cools off a bit we'll do some more.

Well, I think that's it. Don't drink caffeine. Don't get worked up before bedtime. Then you'll be able to sleep ;-)


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