Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Friday, November 04, 2005

Sibelius!! What IS your problem?!

It's just past 11 and I've been on the V for two hours.

It's not improving things.

I want to sleep.....how am I ever going to last all night?

I'm taking a break so I don't have to listen to that STUPID clarinet anymore! Don't you UNDERSTAND what 'piano' means? It means SOFT! Not cut through the entire song so that the harmony is the main line!!!

Wait a sec....maybe if I double the melody with the clarinet and use the trumpet in its mid-register for the harmony.....that might work, although Sibelius seems to not only have put a mute on the trumpet, it's positively shoved a small, dead, furry animal inside which prevents any sound from escaping!!!

Why is the font so darn tiny on a Mac?!

Oh no, I'm not tired in the least.

But I might go and have a nap in the recording booth.

Can't wait for sunrise....I'll tell you all about it, considering this room faces east. How awesome!!!!


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