Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

What the heck....

I was on yr 11 camp (survival camp - it was rough. And I was in the 'low' group - i.e. low adventure.) They gave us chicken to cook that night for tea. How they expected us to carry this chicken through the heat of the day without refrigeration, I will never know.

Anyway, they made us do this obstacle course (which was probably for team-building purposes, looking back - but I think it just made most of our team more annoyed, as we wanted to get on the road asap.) And we had to put the chicken down on the ground (it was sealed in plastic bags).

Well, maybe not sealed enough. We came back to discover ants all through it.

"It's okay," I said, "we'll just wash the chicken before we cook it."

We arrived at our campsite, and were encouraged to take 10 mins to just sit quietly and think.

Seven minutes later I realised I was sitting in an ants nest.

(Don't remember how I managed to move without distracting everyone else - probably with great difficulty :-)

Then it got dark. So we couldn't see the chicken to wash it all piece by piece until the ants were gone.

So we just cooked the lot and ate it. (After managing to set the oil in the pan on fire - courtesy of yours truly)


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