Random stuff

This is a collection of random ideas and thoughts, which I will probably post when I'm bored or procrastinating.

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Kids Klub

Kids Klub is an event that happens annually at my church. And it rocks.

This year I get to help with grade seven - my favourite year level! Cos they're all so good at putting on their own shoes and engaging in meaningful conversation! :-D *The putting on their own shoes comment seems random, unless you know that we do gymnastics every morning during Kids Klub and this requires 30 pairs of shoes to be removed and then put on again..........it's a lot of laces to tie!*

Every year we have a drama that ties in with the theme (this year the theme is the Olympics, and yes, I am playing the character doing a commentary in a semi-Roy and HG style :-). Most years we are not *quite* at professional standard ;-) This year we are definitely not at professional standard.....but it's so much fun to ad-lib! (Subtext: You can't remember your line? I can't remember mine, either......)

But the kids love it! And so do we :-)

More on that later. For now, this is me :-) for VBSN (vacation Bible school news - meh, it's American), signing off!


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