Noof FM
Having a blog is sort of like having a radio show - except you get less people commenting, and more time to think.
Wouldn't mind having a radio show.
"Welcome, listeners, to the really late/extremely early show! Tonight's topic is trust - who do you trust? Who don't you trust? Why?
Looks like we have a caller on the line. Go ahead, caller............."
*that's where you come in ;-) *
Wouldn't mind having a radio show.
"Welcome, listeners, to the really late/extremely early show! Tonight's topic is trust - who do you trust? Who don't you trust? Why?
Looks like we have a caller on the line. Go ahead, caller............."
*that's where you come in ;-) *
At December 13, 2005 11:39 am,
Anonymous said…
Ummmmm... get a life! I think its pretty darn sad that you write up to 4 blogs in the space of 2 hours, not to mention this is after midnight, when normal sane people are sleeping!!!
Your version of 'strut boy' was sad, desperate, lame and altogether painful to read. If you honestly think that him asking you for a drink, when he is a waiter at a wedding is a sort of come on... YOU NEED TO GET OUT MORE. IT'S HIS JOB!!! But, thumbs up for the mills and boon interpretation :)
He looked deep into my eyes and said in a husky voice,
STRUT BOY: 'hey sexy thang...what can i get you to drink?
NOOF:'Lemon, lime and bitters' came the witheringly, hopeful reply (say with breathiness...)
For future advice... every little aspect of your life doesn't need to be shared with the world. I don't care that you've watched survivor for the past 5 years. It just aint interesting honey!!!
Perhaps you should attempt to improve and 'spice up' the content of your blogs.
Looking forward for more interesting (hopefully!) blogs to come.
Your faithful reader,
the mudlovers :)
At December 13, 2005 1:16 pm,
Noof said…
Dear Mudlovers,
Who are you? Do I know you?
This blog may seem boring because it's not really for entertainment - it's mostly to record stuff that happens with my friends, so they can go, "Oh yeah, I remember that day!"
I think it's actually pretty rude to come onto someone else's blog and criticise what they've written. Why not just stop reading?
(Please note:
1) I haven't watched survivor for 5 years. It's been running for 5 years. Why haven't they killed it already?
2) I know that Strut Boy was not coming onto me. It was just funny that we were talking about him and suddenly he was right there! You know that "I just got sprung" kind of feeling...)
Having said that, I think you've got a good point in that I blog too much about nothing in particular.
I can't promise more spiced up blogs in future, but thanks for the suggestion. Do you have a blog? Maybe you could start one, with the spiced up version of 'Strut Boy' as your first post. ;-)
At December 13, 2005 4:43 pm,
Luke said…
Don't worry nic, everyone can write really nasty stuff hiding behind an anonymous banner :P and I do care that you can remember when you first watched survivor, cos its another aspect of a good friend - and that's what friends do, they get to know one another.
For future advice, don't listen to the mudlovers.
Onto a reply...
I trust people who have seen me at my worst, and still manage to talk to me :)
Um, why do I trust these people? Cos they've shown they'll be your friend no matter what happens, unless you physically maim them with the intention to kill etc.
At December 14, 2005 2:47 pm,
Anonymous said…
nic your a champ :)
hmmm mudlovers i think you are getting a little worked up over nothing, this is someone's blog after all- it's their opportunity to share their thoughts and experiences and who are we to put them down and criticse them for it. If you don't like it, don't read it- quite simple really...
your blogs may not mean anything to randoms who don't know you (well i'm guessing you don't know anyone called mudlover hehe) but they are fun and special to us your friends- they always bring a smile to my face :D
love ya
At December 14, 2005 9:07 pm,
Anonymous said…
just for a ramble.
people can be cruel, thoughtless and jerk-like when they don't know who they're writting to. i think maybe the mudlovers need to have a bit more happiness in their own lives and stop trying to put a damper on everyone else. so don't stress nic, i love you and i love what you put on your blog. it makes me laugh :-)
NOW, to answer your questions.
i trust many ppl, some more then others. sometimes i'll trust the wrong person but that's no reason not to trust other ppl. otherwise there's no fun in life. i mean, if you have no one to share what you're thinking/feeling/dwelling on (and those who know me know i love to talk) then there's no joy in life. and the more the merrier. spread the joy to as many ppl as you can!
the ppl i don't trust i tend to let them know it :-S but i usually get over it pretty quick.
i might not trust them for some truly ridiculous and shallow reasons (an example being something i heard from someone else. which is just silly because i shouldn't let it impair my judgement of someone, the stupid thing is it does!) i may not trust someone for something they've done to me in the past (but i usually get over things quickly), the way they treat ppl or past behaviour.
so there's my ramble for the night. all of that said and done i hope this post didn't drag you down too much. look for the rainbow and when you glimpse it just remember that there is a wonderful God who made you the way you are for a reason. he has a purpose and you are incredible
At December 15, 2005 11:22 pm,
Anonymous said…
Heya Mudlover
Good name, cos that's about the only place you're gonna get some loving.
Good to see that you love to do a bit of sledging behind your anonymous banner. Well how about taking your skirt off, reveal who you are and "we" being you and me, can have a real sledgefest, what the hey, you can even have my email address:
How about it numbnut? Oh yeah and one last thing, next time you want to sledge one of my friends, just run your rant by me and I'll file it in the circular filing cabinet.
Nick D.
Oh and Nic, keep blogging away, and how about going for 6 times in 2 hours. Obviously Mudlover can't get enough of your posts and has to read them all :D
At December 16, 2005 12:29 am,
Anonymous said…
Hey mudlover! Me and my crew thought we'd drop a phat beat just to remind you that even though Noof talks too much, people have her back.
Yo! Listen up and listen good,
You can't take over while I'm in the hood,
It would be dope if you'd aspire,
To get your butt in line, or it will end up on fire.
Me and my crew, we are on the case,
So just walk away if you like your face,
I wouldn't put your mind at ease,
One of my crew is Lebanese,
Think you're a hard core MC that's on the loose?
You got nothing on Dr Suess.
If you don't have the message you're kinda thick,
We'll leave you alone if you stop being a stick
In the mudlover,
Where's your crew brother?
Here's the part where you run away,
If you want a chance to see another day.
So dude, I ain't meaning no disrespect, but you come in like you own the place, and we ain't gonna be happy. We just gotta keep it clean here. So peace out man, and feel free to drop your beats on Noof FM if you got something respectful to say.
I trust my crew. They're reppin' for me and I'm repping for them. Props for my crew.
At December 16, 2005 11:13 am,
Anonymous said…
don't you feel loved nic? all these people rushing to your defence.
so i think it's safe to say that mudlovers is a bitter twit with no imagination.
but anyway, much love for you nic! can you feel it yet? it's like a bunch people reaching through the computer to hug you :-D
At December 17, 2005 2:12 pm,
Pete said…
You know uh.. I have to make the point that we all seem to have criticized Mudlover for criticizing Noof.. I'm not taking sides.. But I think we have done the same thing as Mudlover here by paying him/her out about his/her comment. I'd encourage you all to love one another as yourself. cheers
At December 17, 2005 11:57 pm,
Gloz said…
um...i have to agree with Pete...
At December 26, 2005 9:17 pm,
Anonymous said…
Meh, I think you two (Pete and Gordie) are taking this waaay too seriously.
And yes I admit it, I meant every word I said. And Mudlovers, if you are reading I'm still waiting for that email ;)
Call me immature, but hey I have a life outside of blogging, hang on, I don't blog!!! I need a hug.
At December 26, 2005 11:27 pm,
Anonymous said…
*hug for nick* there you go.
to mudlovers. i'm sorry and do hope you'll forgive me. we were overly critical and rushed to our friends defence with no thought of your feelings. so again, i'm sorry.
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